This is a comment I'm sure many breeders have gotten. There are countless sources that explain why purchasing a pet from a reputable breeder costs so much. But I would like to take the opportunity to explain my pricing ❤️
My pricing reflects the amount of time I've put into each line, as well as the overall quality of the rats each line is producing.
The TWO (2) lines I currently have available are priced R350/450. The reason for this is that I've been working on these lines since 2018. That's almost 2 years of food, water, research, cleaning, planning, etc.
Now, when breeding rats there's no way you can make a profit unless you're adopting out most of the rats you produce. (Yes, it is possible for ethical breeders to make a profit. I'm not discrediting them.)
I currently have 6 lines, I only feel that 2 are ready for pet homes. I have high standards for my lines, so it takes time before I'm even at the point where I'm happy to adopt a rat out.
This means that most of the rats that I'm producing I'm not yet selling to the public.
To put it in perspective, (as of making this post) I have only officially adopted out/sold ONE rat this year.
That ONE sale in no way shape or form pays for the upkeep of my rats.
My rats are fed a high quality diet. I use KDP and hay as their substrate. I constantly treat their substrate, accessories, and toys for parasites. I have 4x large, quality cages to ensure that they have the space they need. I do this because I love and care for my rats and I want to give them the best lives I possibly can ❤️ I'm not doing this for the profit. I'm not doing this to make money. I'm doing this because I truly love my rats.
My pricing reflects what my rats are worth ❤️ Yes, there are breeders and pet shops who charge less. And that's totally okay! I don't FORCE anyone to purchase my rats. If you feel that my rats are too expensive that's totally okay! You're just not my target client. Potential adopters are always welcome to adopt from other places and I can even refer them to the best options.
But unfortunately I'm not going to change my pricing to try and compete in the current market.
When you pay the R350 or R450 for one of my rats you're paying for a quality animal ❤️
A rat that I have put 100% of my time, energy, and soul into. You're not just buying a rat. You're buying a quality pet with guaranteed temperament and health. You're buying life-long support and advice. You're buying history, years of work, research, and planning.
You are buying into the Imagine Family ❤️