Celestial Line
Breeding goals:
• Blazed (Wedge & Mismarked)
• Russian Blue & Russian Silver
• Hairless & Standard coat
• Dumbo & Standard ear
This is one of the oldest lines in the rattery.
We have found the bucks from this line to be exceptionally large and with their size comes big cuddly personalities. The bucks have shown to be excellent mentors for the younger rats in the cage, their laid-back personalities making all introductions a breeze.
The does of this line have also been quite large, dwarfing the other does in our cages as they reach adulthood. The does do take longer to settle down in new environments and we are working tirelessly to improve on this. They are a lot more inquisitive than the bucks and prefer to explore and play.
There was a history of MA in this line, however, we are happy to say that we have pretty much bred away from this entirely in just 2 generations.
Upcoming pairings:
This line has been temporarily halted until we receive outcrossed breeding rats from All Rat Rattery to help us improve this line in 2021.
These rats are not currently available to the public
Active Breeders
Meet the bucks and does currently in our breeding program!

TBC 2021
Retired Breeders & Past Rats
Meet the rats from/previously involved in this line.
Some of our rats can even be found at other ratteries!

IMGN Angel
Variety: Russian Blue Berkshire + Lightning Blaze
Ear type: Dumbo
Coat type: Standard (carries hairless)
DOB: 19/09/2019
Owned by: Mischief Managed Rattery
PED: IMGN Remus x WF Tempest

Variety: Russian Blue Berkshire + Wedge Blaze
Ear type: Dumbo
Coat type: Standard (carries hairless)
DOB: 03/03/2020
Owned by: All Rat Rattery
PED: IMGN Remus x IMGN Phoenix

IMGN Romulus
Variety: Russian Blue Berkshire
Coat type: Standard
Ear type: Standard (carries Dumbo)
DOB: 28/03/2019
Owned by: All Rat Rattery
PED: WWR Lupin x WF Tempest

WWR Lupin
Variety: Russian Blue Under-marked Berkshire
Ear type: Dumbo
Coat type: Hairless
DOB: 27/08/2017
DOD: June 2018
COD: Health reasons
PED: WWR Liev x WWR Paris

WF Tempest
Variety: Russian Blue Berkshire + Lightning Blaze
Ear type: Standard (carried Dumbo)
Coat type: Standard
DOB: 18/09/2018
DOD: 11/02/2020
COD: Health reasons
PED: WF Bullitt x WF Astrid

IMGN Phoenix
Variety: Russian Blue Berkshire + Wedge Blaze
Ear type: Dumbo
Coat type: Standard
DOB: 19/09/2019
PED: IMGN Remus x WF Tempest

IMGN Adonis
Variety: Russian Blue Burmese Berkshire + Lightning Blaze
Ear type: Dumbo
Coat type: Standard (carries hairless)
DOB: 19/09/2019
Owned by: Calico Rattery
PED: IMGN Remus x WF Tempest

IMGN Remus
Variety: Russian Blue Under-marked Irish
Ear type: Standard
Coat type: Standard (carries hairless)
DOB: 28/03/2019
PED: WWR Lupin x WF Tempest

IMGN Pegasus
Variety: Russian Blue Under-marked Irish
Ear type: Standard
Coat type: Standard
DOB: 19/09/2019
*Pegasus is currently on loan to Full o'Beanz Rodentry
PED: IMGN Remus x WF Tempest