We have been involved in breeding for a little over a year now. And we have tried multiple variations of mixes and pellets.
Some mixes claim to be "complete", while others require you to follow a set diet plan to be fed in conjunction with the dry mix. _________________________________________________
*DISCLAIMER* Before we begin. We are in no ways claiming that one mix is better than another. At the end of the day you have to look at your colony and decide how they are doing on the mix you choose to feed. Are your rats healthy? Are their coats soft and shiny? Are your rats rusting? etc. _________________________________________________
Owning rats and feeding them should be 2 entirely different hobbies. *chuckles in exasperation* Any pet rat owner and breeder alike will know how fussy these little critters can be when presenting them with a meal. (They turn their noses up at a meal I spent my life savings on, while their wild cousins eat TRASH without a second thought. I see you rats... I see you.)
Now, in South Africa, we unfortunately don't have a fantastic selection of rat-specific diets. You can purchase a commercial mix from a pet store, a dry mix from a breeder (complete or with a meal plan), or you can try your hand at making your own. (I haven't included pellets because we unfortunately don't have a pellet formulated for rats... Yet - URCSA is working on it.)
Let's forget all the politics surrounding mixes and pellets for one second and think about what is really important: Your rats health. Sure, we base our experience on what our rats enjoy eating what we give them. But we need to take a step back and think about their nutritional requirements (backed by sound evidence and research).
We are so good when looking at ingredients in the foods we eat. What about your rats? Have you ever stopped to think about WHY a mix has oats in it? Or meal worms? Or peas? etc. Have you also considered the PERCENTAGES of each food group your mix contains, and WHY?
No? Neither did we, not until about the middle of this year when we started doing more research into rat nutrition.
To the URCSA breeders, this was a game changer.
So where to from here?
We are excited to announce that URCSA will be releasing a dry mix in 2020! This dry mix will be specifically formulated for your rats based on SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE and RESEARCH. We will be able to justify WHY we have included each ingredient into the mix, as well as the QUANTITIES.
We will include a grain-based mix to be used in conjunction with a meal plan (for those who enjoy feeding fresh), as well as a "complete" diet for those who only feed fresh occasionally or not at all.
What will this cost you? Our mix will be sold at an initial price of R70/kg for the "complete" diet - new pricing from 2020 Grain mix + meal plan TBC. *Each and every single customer will also receive the comprehensive ingredient list. You are welcome to ask ANY questions in regards to the ingredients, as well as our reasoning behind the quantities of each component.
URCSA breeders currently stocking the mix/who will stock the mix in 2020: Imagine Rattery - Stock AVAILABLE All Rat Rattery - Stock AVAILABLE Calico Rodentry South Africa - Stock AVAILABLE
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Originally written by Imagine Rattery on 18 Dec 2019